Thursday, March 22, 2007

Capture the moment

Learnt something today...

Global Issues in IT Management is by far the most interesting IT class I have ever attended, by two professors who are as opposite as they are similar.

One a soft spoken Norwegian, calm, with a lethargic body language; The other highly energric, animated Guatemalan
Both from Harvard, witty and very, very smart.

Today I heard the best slogan ever. During a routine binge trip to a bar, the professors and their friends were discussing the logic behind one company owning two very distinct businesses: One in developing camera films - like the Walgreens, and the second in, hold your breadth, Condoms. See the connection?

Now what should the slogan of the company be? Cheers, Drink, Drink, Drink, oh Think...
Capturing the Best Moments...

Beer, here I come...

P.S: Slogan Copyright Professor Espen Andersen

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